We are always on the lookout for talent worldwide
If you are a seasoned executive or an M&A advisor with a proven track record, you might want to become part of our group. We have a set procedure on how to become a Pandion: an existing Pandion must recommend you, then a team will visit you in your home country and we will then start supporting you on your projects. You will present yourself at one of our annual gatherings and arrange for a one-year associated membership. Finally, a vote is taken during our annual meeting; a unanimous decision will result in your becoming a Pandion.
We are always on the lookout for talent worldwide: exceptional negotiators, eager business women and men, attentive strategists and practical project managers. If you can imagine being part of our circle of friends dedicated to working for our clients, please let us know.

Your success is our pleasure
Facts & Figures
Pandion Partner has 29 offices. Find out the one near you.
Different languages
The Pandion Partners speak to 35% of the world’s population in their mother tongue.
The current Pandion Partners members closed 458 deals for a total value of 7 billion Euros.
% Bank independence
The Pandion Partners are all independent from banks.
Industry sectors
From aerospace defense to health care, our pandion partners have expertise in a lot off sectors.
Active board seats
board of directors > 57
advisory boards > 35
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